18 марта 2011 г.

Eyes coloring

Bemalung der Augen=>
Роспись глаз=>

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
The look can be cold and indifferent, passionate and enamoured, interested, serious, silly and playful. Therefore working with teddy bears I pay great attention to eye designing. Usually this process comes in three stages - acrylic colour painting, lids & lashes creating and shading.
So let’s start working!
For painting the eyes we need the following
- a plate for colours mix up
- fine brush for nail-art
- glass with water
- glass eyes
- a needle
- acrylic colours (5) – two different tints of one main colour (in our case – the tints of blue), black, white and one colour with “effects” (mother-of-pearl, spangles, golden, silver and etc.)

Variants of beautiful colour combinations
1) brown+bronze+gold+black+white
2) emerald green+lettuce green+silver+black+white
3) lilac+blue+spangles+black+white pearl
Also you may combine incompatible colours, in random order, to obtain absolutely new bold look to your creature by this way. The advantage of artist colour painting is in one of a kind eyes of your bear cub, unique and inimitable in its beauty look! And any new experiment will bring to you unexpected and pleasant surprise.
The paint will be applied in five layers on the back side of glass eyes. You need to paint such a sun with rays from the centre of the eye (pupil) to sides.
The first layer. Take the first tint of blue with a dry brush and apply 6-8 fine lines evenly. Important: don’t dilute the paint with water because it can loose its texture and colour richness while applying to the surface.

After you painted both eyes and the paint is still wet take the needle and scratch several lines along each ray. This way you will make lines thinner.
The second layer. Now it is time for the next colour – the second tint of blue. It should be applied as previous layer but between the rays of the first layer.
In the same way scratch just applied paint.
The third layer. Using brush put some golden color on vacant spaces in random order and then scratch these rays. The golden colour will give the eyes a play and new tints of green when it get to blue colours.
The forth layer. While painting the eyes I always use white colour to add contrast to already existed tints. Thereby the eye obtains its personal highlights and looks more alive and natural. Apple this layer in vacant spaces as previous one from the center and to different directions. Also scratch the paint.

The fifth layer. Black colour is also rule for me while painting the eyes. I apply it in the very last moment filling in spaces from scratching. Black gives profoundness and completeness to the look.
To say thank you =>

6 комментариев:

  1. Замечательный МК! Спасибо огромное!!!

  2. Amazing, you are aa true artist.


    Oh, here comes Prudence.......

    Hello Sweet Friend,

    Just want to wish you a weekend filled with sunshine, hugs, & love.

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. Спасибо за мастер-класс, подобных я ещё нигде не видела.

  4. Спасибо большое за такой подробный, а главное - не сложный МК, вот попробовала в действии, моя последняя мишка Мила с глазками по этому МК http://alisa2003.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post.html
    Мечтаю познакомиться с Мастером в живую и подержать в ручках Ваших совершенных созданий!

  5. Спасибо, девочки! Рада, что он вам пригодился!
    Thank you for pleasant comments! I am happy you like it!
